Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The real culprit for Rise in fuel prices

The media has been constantly talking about rising crude oil prices and how the Indian OMCs are losing so much money as a result of fuel subsidies. To a logical mind, it seems obvious that if international crude oil prices are rising, there is no way we can escape the brunt of it. But if you look at some basic facts, you get a feeling that there has been some deliberate shaping of public opinion. In fact, fuel prices need not be as high as they are now.

The problem is that we fail to ask how much petrol really costs. Let's try some simple arithmetic. International crude oil prices are hovering around US$ 112.5 per barrel. That translates to about Rs 5,085 per barrel. Each barrel contains about 158.76 litres. So, effectively crude oil costs Rs 32 per litre. Now, add the cost of refining it to petrol or diesel. According to an oil company official, the refining cost is about 52 paise per litre. Add about Rs 6 as capital costs for the refinery. Then there's the cost of transportation (Rs 6) and dealer's commission (Rs 1.05). So, adding all that, the price of petrol comes to about Rs 45.6 per litre. But how much are we actually paying for petrol? Rs 68.3 in Mumbai, Rs 63.4 in New Delhi, Rs 71 in Bangalore!

Why are we paying so much more and to whom? The answer is tax. Not many are aware about the huge quantum of central and state government taxes and duties levied on fuel prices. In some states the tax component is pretty close to 50%. To add to that, these taxes are levied as a percentage of the basic price of the fuel and aren't fixed per litre. That means rising fuel prices only add more to the government's kitty. But all we hear about are the huge subsidies and the bleeding OMCs.

An optimal solution at the moment would be to reduce the tax burden on fuels. But neither the central government nor the state governments have shown any willingness to budge one bit. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Only Today

Whatever I may want to do
It must be done today.
There is no other time.

Yesterdays are but todays
Used and gone beyond my grasp.
Not one can ever be brought back;

Even as a bell can't be unrung
Or a spoken, unintended word
Be readily retrieved before
It reaches someone's ear.

Tomorrows are todays awaiting birth.
Each comes unbidden in the night
To arrive full-fledged for me to use
And do whatever I may want to do.